The Great Idol Star Plan!
Card Stats
Auto Skill
Laplace ResonanceLV.1/10
Paralyzes 1 to 3 members of the opponent's team when your opponent uses a Special Skill.
Min | Max | FDT | |
傲慢 | 1,432 | ??? | ??? |
貪婪 | 370 | ??? | ??? |
嫉妒 | 716 | ??? | ??? |
憤怒 | 710 | ??? | ??? |
色欲 | 370 | ??? | ??? |
暴食 | 1,057 | ??? | ??? |
怠惰 | 1,051 | ??? | ??? |
Total | 5,706 | ??? | ??? |
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