New Year's With You
Card Stats
Special Skill
For Your Eyes OnlyLV.1/10
Charm x5.5 Bans skills of 1 to 3 members of the opponent's team.
Human World StyleLV.1/10
Bans counters for members of the opponent's team when you are about to be banned from counters.
Min | Max | FDT | |
傲慢 | 741 | 3,757 | 5,832 |
貪婪 | 1,413 | 7,183 | 10,267 |
嫉妒 | 2,085 | 10,658 | 14,751 |
憤怒 | 2,131 | 11,342 | 16,130 |
色欲 | 1,425 | 7,606 | 11,002 |
暴食 | 752 | 4,540 | 6,277 |
怠惰 | 2,837 | 17,339 | 25,568 |
Total | 11,384 | 62,425 | 89,827 |
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